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Easy Hit Beads

Easy Hit Beads

  • £33.00

The fibre optic shotgun foresight.

The Easy Hit fibre optic foresight is contained within a specialist patented frame, butts up against the existing muzzle-end bead using a pre-fitted high bond, oil and heat resistant adhesive strip and is fitted easily for less that the cost of a driven pheasant.

The brain, not our right or left handedness, decides which eye will have the main eye dominance resulting in our left, right or middle vision.

Ignoring the "Bead" and looking at the quarry, our brain is genuinely tricked by this sight's specialist design.

When fitted, it is guaranteed to make the shooter's eye dominance perfect and naturally aligns the correct eye and rib with the quarry or target.

With all eye dominance problems eliminated, shotgun shooters can instantly shoot with both eyes open. Peripheral vision now provides a safer view of the arc of fire; binocular vision allows correct judgement of range and a perfect master eye provides accuracy.

Fitting the Bead to any shotgun in less than two minutes instantly results in improved competition scores along with achieving the BASC "Respect for Quarry" code of practice objectives.

We give every customer a first class quality product and service and provide a genuine "Eye Opening Experience!".

Hunting Bead
Available in 3mm fibre optic widths with 71mm overall length with a 6mm flat, super effective, easy to apply self-adhesive base. The shortest in the range of beads that may explain its popularity with Game shooters who use all gauges of side by side shotguns. It is also popular with the owners of 20 and 28 gauge over and under shotguns.

Suitable for use on all shotguns, especially Side by Side.

Shooting Bead
Available in 3mm fibre optic widths with a 101mm overall length with a 6mm flat super effective, easy to apply self-adhesive base. The middle length in the range and the most popular with clay shooters using all gauges of over and under and semi automatic shotguns.

Suitable for use with all shotguns

Sport Shooting Bead
Available in 3mm fibre optic width with a 131mm overall length with a 6mm flat super effective, easy to apply self-adhesive base. The longest length in the range and the most popular with Coaches who mount the bead temporarily using tape that covers one section of the fibre optic bead.
The bead's additional fibre optic length helps in low light conditions and is popular with wildfowlers.

Suitable for use with all shotguns but especially Coaching and in low light conditions.

Tags: Beads

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